Be Ready

I was doing media interviews the morning after the shootings at Virginia Tech and was asked the question: How can a loving God allow such terrible things to happen?

I said that, as Christians, we believe that God has a purpose in
what He allows, even if we don’t know what it is.

Another thing to remember is that God doesn’t relish tragedies either. He allows them to happen because if he didn’t we would be robots – we wouldn’t have free choice but would have to be good and kind. God wants us to choose to be that way, not to be forced to be that way.

To me, tragedies remind us that we must be ready because we don’t know when our day will come. It could come from growing old, it could be a drunk driver running a stop sign, or it could be a demonized person on a shooting spree. But, death shouldn’t surprise us – it’s part of our lot in a fallen world.

Romans 10 tells us our salvation from death comes from confessing with our mouths that Jesus is Lord.

We should look at tragedies as reminders that life is short. So, don’t lose time in telling the people you love about Jesus Christ. For some of them, time could be very short. Therefore, we must talk to people. We don’t know who’s next. It could be you. Are you ready to meet God?

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