God’s Progressive Revelation – Sharing with an Atheist

How do you respond to a person who says that he can’t believe in God until there’s proof that God exists? During my discussions with my friend, Mr. Zhao in China, we talked a lot about this issue, since he’s both an atheist and a scientist. I shared with him that God has, in fact, revealed Himself to the world, in three distinct ways.

First, God reveals himself through creation, the beauty of the world. The whole world speaks of the Lord’s glory and power. When you look at creation, you get a picture that God is almighty, that He loves beauty, and that He is creative.

Secondly, God has made Himself known through His Word, the Bible. The written, inerrant Scriptures are another part of God’s total revelation to man.

Finally, God revealed Himself personally through Jesus Christ. The Book of Colossians says that Jesus “is the visible image of the invisible God.”

So when a scientist wants to look at something concrete in order to understand it, Jesus says, “Look at me and you’ve actually seen God.” If you’re talking with someone who is asking for proof of God, try explaining these three ways that God has already revealed Himself to the world.

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