Gentleness and Respect – Sharing with an Atheist

I recently wrote a book with the Minister of Foreign Affairs(?) in China, Mr. Zhao Qizheng, an atheist. We titled the book, “A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist and a Christian.” It was a fascinating journey to dialogue with Mr. Zhao about our different beliefs.

My discussions with him proved that two people from opposite sides of the world, and with opposing viewpoints, can carry on a stimulating, amiable conversation about religion. This experience reinforced for me the importance of being respectful and honoring when we share our faith.

The next time you’re discussing your beliefs with someone, be open to hear where the other person is coming from, without judging or accusing them.

Arguing and badgering will get you nowhere – fast! I believe that sharing the Good News with love and respect is the best way to lead people to the Savior.

First Peter 3:15 sums up our calling perfectly: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

So be prepared, but also speak winsomely and warmly to those who don’t believe, gently guiding them to the truth of Jesus Christ.

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