The Importance of Conversion

I feel that today, in many circles, it’s easy to be excessively low key about conversion. It seems we’ve forgotten that unless you repent and are converted, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Some people have asked me, “What’s the secret of you leading so many thousands to Jesus Christ?” Often I say, “Because I preach conversion as simply as I know how. I preach it so that a ten-year-old child can understand” then the adults will understand it too.

But for many Christians, when it comes to conversion, there is a tendency to shy away from sharing the Good News in its entirety. I believe that’s why many people are missing out on leading others to Christ.

Sometimes it’s easier to talk about more neutral subjects, like counseling families, or doing social action. These are all good subjects to deal with, yet they can’t take the place of clearly spelling the clear message of salvation through the cross, the blood, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Romans 10:9 tells us “if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

There is no way around it. Our friends and family must have a chance to confess and make the decision for Christ. You and I can give them this opportunity. What a life! What a privilege! God created this concept. Let’s take advantage of it and rejoice, and be fruitful for the good of other people and the glory of God.

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