He is Alive

Leading Others Into Freedom

Imagine that right now, wherever you’re sitting, you hear the noise of your front door go ‘boom.’ And you turn around and Jesus Christ, Himself, comes into your room. Wouldn’t that be something?

He comes to you and says, I want to have dinner with you tonight. What would your response be? Perhaps you’d be excited, maybe a bit nervous. I can imagine you’d have many things to talk with Jesus about. And you’d be looking forward to hearing His words of love and wisdom poured out to you.

But you know something? If you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, He is with you — right now! Even though you can’t see Him, He really is living with you. No, your front door won’t open. But when you receive Jesus Christ into your heart, the Son of God literally comes into your life. He speaks to you through His Word and His Spirit. The Bible says, “Whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.”

Jesus can be as real to you as a physical figure walking into your house. It’s important to meditate on what it really means that He is lives in you, and is one with your spirit. The more we believe this to be true for ourselves, the more likely we are to share this wonderful promise with people in our world.

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