Saved by Grace

I was recently re-reading the story of the crucifixion in the Gospels.� Remember, Jesus was being executed next to two thieves… They were convicted criminals!� And yet Jesus was the perfect Son of God. He had never committed a sin.

The Bible says that the thieves began to make fun of Jesus Christ.� But then, one of the thieves repented.� He turned to the other thief and said, “Don�t you fear God? We deserve what we�re getting. But this man doesn�t deserve what he�s getting.”� Then he looked at Jesus and said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.”� And Jesus said, “Truly, truly I say to you: today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Wow — what an incredible gift Jesus Christ gave that thief, right on the spot!� Now, this man couldn�t go to church; he couldn�t have communion; he couldn�t even get baptized. It was too late for that. But because he repented, that thief went straight into the presence of God when he died.� What a great reminder that God doesn�t ask anything of us except to believe in Him.� Christianity is the only religion that offers eternal life through simply believing in Jesus Christ.� Who will you share this glorious reality with today?

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