Share Your Story

When we talk to others about Jesus Christ, we should be willing to share our own story of what God has done in us. Sometimes it helps to review all that’s been transformed in our lives from the moment we began following Jesus. It’s quite staggering, if you think about it.

When the Son of God comes into your life, He’s bound to radically transform you. You are never the same. First of all, your sins are forgiven. What an incredible gift! Everyone needs and wants freedom from a guilty conscience.

The second way God transforms us, is that we become a temple of the Holy Spirit of God. When you open your heart, the living God through the Holy Spirit, comes to live within you. Truly. Literally.

Galatians 5:13 says the Spirit gives us “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.” That’s transforming! That’s staggering! And that’s why we need to tell others what they can gain through a relationship with God, in Jesus Christ.

The next time you are talking to someone about your faith, share your own story. Whether they realize it or not, your friend needs the same forgiveness and touch from the Lord Jesus Christ that you did.

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