Don’t Wait to Speak the Truth

At a crusade service one night in Illinois, Pastor Kevin Krase told a dead-silent audience how he had discovered a few weeks previously that he had terminal colon cancer. He exhorted us that night, “Why do you have to wait until you have cancer to talk to anybody about the Lord? Im guaranteed to be dead within weeks, so I have more clout. But youre going to die, too. So are the people you work with. Were all going to die, so just lay it out there.” Pastor Krase died a few weeks later.

If you are suffering, you have a platform from which you can honor God and share profound principles that the world needs to hear. The apostle Paul tells us, “If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation.”

But even if youre not, dont be afraid to speak the truth about heaven and hell. If people get mad and shun you, so what? Six billion others can be our friends. What matters is that their eternal destiny is at stake.

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