Haunting Questions

Psychology students at a major American university were worried
about their exam. Their fears dissipated when the professor pointed to the blackboard and announced “That’s the exam.” On the blackboard appeared a single question: “Why?” The students feverishly wrote answers to that immense question. In the end, only one student passed. At the top of his paper, he had written his name and this reply: “Why not?”

Why? The question haunts many today. They, too, scramble to make sense of life, often turning to Eastern religions or away from
any religion at all. The God of the Bible is the only One who knows the answers to life’s big questions. God’s Word tells us, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever.”

The Bible contains God’s revelation to all mankind. It contains the answers to the why’s of life and provides us with hope for the future. So if you know someone who is desperately searching for answers, point them to the Bible. Offer to read it with them. Don’t be afraid of not having all the answers. God will show the way.

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