The Lord’s Graciousness
Some people complain that the Lord isn’t being gracious with them when they go through a hard time. When they are struggle financially, they think God has forgotten them, or that He no longer cares. But God does care. He hasn’t forgotten. God is always God. He’s always gracious.
And that goodness is especially evident by the miracle of the cross of Jesus. St. Paul writes in the book of Romans that the “wages of sin is death.” All of us have sinned against God, so none of us deserve to be with Him in Heaven. It is only through Jesus’ death on the cross that we can be with God for eternity.
Be careful if you’re hurting not to blame God or become angry with Him. He loves you so much that He died and rose for you. That should be more than enough for you to remember His goodness. Praise God today for all that He’s done for you. You can rejoice in your salvation, even if you have temporary difficulties here on earth. Share God’s goodness with a friend today and explain the reason for your joy, even when things are hard.
praise the LORD.. Yes we have to praise LORD for what he had done for us, we have to praise like david even in trouble and keep our hope on him.. HE is our lovable father so he wont leave us like orphan at any situation. amen.