Social Action

One amazing thing is happening around the world today.  In that believers in Jesus Christ have rediscovered, including myself by the way, the great power or serving your society, your city or your neighbors so as to be able to tell them about the love of God and bless their personal life.

Jesus Himself said, do you remember, “You are the salt of the earth.  You are the light of the world.  A city built on a hill cannot be hidden.  Let your light so shine before men.  That they may see your good works and honor your Father who is in Heaven.”

Why did we ever forget that?  Did you know that Jesus Himself lived His life serving the poor, the hungry, the sick, the dead even- Jesus did it, why didn’t I do it?  Why don’t I do it more?  You know, the season of service is a thing that we’ve come up with in our organization and that we’ve passed around the churches around the world, and the excitement is amazing.  You know when you serve a person, you give them a hand financially, or you spend time with them when they’re hurting or you accompany them to the hospital, or you bring a meal when things are not going good in the home, it opens doors to share the love of God, the salvation through Jesus Christ in ways you never imagined. So, serve your community and then share the Good News.

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