The Holy Spirit

Your non-Christian friends may not ask questions about the Holy Spirit. But you can be sure that the He is at work behind the scenes to bring them to Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit is not just a force-he is a person. He is also God. Like the Father and the Son, he is present everywhere. He created the world and gave us Gods Word. The Holy Spirit brought about the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ by the Virgin Mary and he indwelt Jesus during his ministry on earth.

There is no such thing as evangelism without the Holy Spirit. He convinces people of their need for salvation.

It is the Holy Spirit who brings about spiritual rebirth when we trust in Jesus Christ. Once we are born of the Spirit, He lives within us. Jesus said, “The Father will give you another Counselor to be with you forever-the Spirit of truth.”

So depend on the Holy Spirit to help you communicate the Good News. Then watch Him go to work! He is the one who will bring about the new birth as your family, friends, and neighbors put their faith in Jesus Christ.

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