Assurance of Eternal Life
remember a few years ago, talking to a young dad who had just lost his 10-week-old baby girl. It was so sad. His daughter died of SIDS. He and his wife were completely torn up about it, as anyone would be. This father was wondering where his little girl went, and if he would ever see her again. I assured him that his little baby was in Heaven, and if he believed in Jesus Christ, he would see her again someday.
I cant tell you how many people, over the years, have asked me if heaven is real. And if heaven is a real place, they wonder, how can they get there? People want to know there is another world, an afterlife.
Without the hope of eternity, theres no point or purpose to the life theyre living right now. You and I need to be prepared to share the wonderful Good News message with people in our world: If they accept Jesus Christ, by faith, they can have absolute assurance of eternal life. The moment they die, they go to be with the Lord in Heaven.
Jesus says in John 10, “I give you eternal life. You will never perish. No one can snatch you out of my hand.” What great comfort we can offer those with deep questions about eternity.
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