The Bible: God’s Written Revelation
In a recent conversation I had with an atheist friend of mine, he said, “The Bible is good literature. Integrating Hebrew, Greek and Roman culture, it abounds in beautiful prose, proverbs and poems. What is more, he continued, it has formulated many ethical standards for many people, then and now.”
My friend is exactly right! He understands the essential meaning of the Bible from the writers perspective. But what distinguishes a Christians belief about the Bible from an atheists is that we see the Bible as part of Gods total revelation to man.
God is personal, having created us humans to be in relationship with Himself. And because He is invisible, He chose to reveal Himself in written form through the Bible. Christians believe the Bible is inspired by God.
That even as human authors wrote freely, God made sure the end result was everything He wanted us to know about Him. Thats why we call it inerrancy- it has no errors. In the book of II Samuel in the Bible, it says, “the word of God is flawless.” The more we study it, the better we get to know God and His ways.
Let God reveal something new about Himself to you. Dig in to His flawless Word today. It does NOT disappoint and you will be very spiritually motivated!
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