Lonely without the Creator

I recently had a conversation with an atheist who disagreed when I suggested that atheists are lonely people. He questioned me, saying, “How do you know this?” He had a good point. I cannot say that every atheist is empty in every area of life- of course not. But I do know that spiritually, every atheist is empty.

An atheist can be lonely because he is very much on his own if he doesnt have a connection with His Creator. There is a certain lack of peace of mind and heart until you know where you came from and where youre going. Your spirit is dead even though body and soul are functioning.

John Paul Sartre, the atheist French philosopher, said, “Man is alone, abandoned to his own destiny.” Thats an expression of a person who doesnt know God- Sartre didnt know God. But if you know God, you have a purpose! Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Who in your life is spiritually empty? Ask God to reveal someone to you today. Then, reach out to this person! Only Jesus can fill their void of loneliness. You and I know this to be true. And we know people who havent accepted this truth, dont we.

Respect them in their unbelief, but encourage them to remain open to Gods prompting. Encourage them to read the Gospel of John in particular, and say, if you really want to know God, you will find Him very quickly.

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