Let Your Light Shine

Dear friends, if you know Jesus Christ this Christmas season then you must let your light shine. God has said to us, “You are the light of the world.” And He has told us to let this light shine. Wherever God has placed us, He has asked us to be His ambassadors and to speak well of His son Jesus.

This Christmas, I want to challenge you to shine for Him. Take hold of the Gospel of John and read it over and over again. Let Jesus Christ shine through you. Let your light shine in your neighborhood, at your workplace, at the gym, and with your family.

There is great darkness in the land right now. People are anxious, worried, and afraid. Today we need to step up in the name of Jesus Christ and say, “Wait a minute. It doesnt have to be like this. I know Jesus. He is the light of the world. If we follow Him we dont have to walk in darkness. We dont have to be afraid.

Friends, there are millions of us who know Jesus, love Him, and are walking in the light. If we all walk in the light of Jesus Christ, then the light is going to shine.

Today, let your light shine. The world desperately needs to know Jesus Christ. Let your light shine to the people that God has put in your path today.

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