Reaching Countries for Christ

Today, Africa is receiving much attention, both from the Church and the media. With proponents like Bono and Product Red, Africa is receiving help and funding. And that’s good! But what if every physical need was met today? What would that mean for eternity? Not only for Africa, but everywhere? Even if everyone was fed and clothed… without Jesus Christ, souls remain lost.

God pointed out our vital duty and that is to proclaim His Good News. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few,” Jesus said in the book of Matthew. We must sense the urgency of our time. How long must people wait before they hear the Gospel? How many more generations must pass? Some parts of the world have yet to hear the message of Christ!

Today, more than ever, we can reach “closed” nations with the Good News. God is doing incredible things in Asia, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Republics. But we must remain diligent in meeting both spiritual and physical needs of people. We must pray for these countries. If you are providing relief and monetary gifts to people overseas, that is good! Thank you! But let’s not neglect our call to care for people’s souls. Their eternal well being is at stake!

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